Monday, April 7, 2008

National Poetry Month

Well I had to return to say something on behalf of Poetry Month. This is a special time of recognition, although poetry is a day to day thing with me. So I'm encouraging folks to venture out into the byways, find an open mic event, support a spoken word endeavor - or go to the library, get online and read some of the classic works by E.E. Cummings, T.S. Eliot, Elizabeth Barrett Browning...or more contemporary works by James Wright, Pablo Neruda...or poems by Black poets...Cullen, Hughes, Shange, Giovanni, Sanchez and so many more!

This month, I'm being featured, along with poets past and present, on A Place of our own is a literary resource, book club and online magazine for African American literature and authors. It's a privilege to have been asked to share my work via written and on podcast! That part - the video aspect, is rather scary for me. While I'm very comfortable reading my poems in a spoken word setting - being taped is quite another thing! I'll have a day assigned to me, don't know which day yet. But I will come back and publish it here.

Ok, back to writing short stories!

Peace and plenty poetiks, all!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

An Honor Bestowed

I'm back already - after having announced only yesterday that I'd be scarce around here due to projects I must tend to. But this must be shared! I'm so excited!

An author friend of mine, Minnie E. Miller, just informed me that I was awarded "Best Work of Poetry in 2007" on, Reviewers' choice!! I was stunned! I am still in a state of semi-shock! The reason I'm so surprised is I had no idea I was even being considered for this award. My, my, my - what a beautiful gift in 2008! Words just aren't adequate here, to express how honored and humbled I am at this moment. There are so many gifted writers, poets out there, oh my! I'm just grateful, and thankful...beyond what I can tell you.

This is a strong motivator and encouragement for me to get my work done. Many years ago I saw an interview with Dr. Maya Angelou on TV. And her words reached down inside me and tapped me where I live. She said, "We know how to play. And there's plenty of time to play. What we must do is get the work done." It took me several years after that, to get myself in gear. But I heard sista Maya then, and I hear her now.

So, I'm girding up my loins to put in some work, ya'll.

Peace and plenty poetiks in ya lives!

Check the link:

Monday, January 14, 2008

Adventures in sight-reading and other musical feats!

Hope everyone's weekend was productive, peaceful and poetik....

Mine was eventful - to say the least. A member of my singing ensemble called me last Sunday night to ask for "help". Her sister-in-law, a songstress and vocal group leader, needed some voices to add body to their performance that was scheduled for this past Sunday evening in Los Angeles, my old stompin ground. I said, "suuuurrrrrreeee, what we sangin?" And the way it usually happens is this: I get a copy of a CD with the songs on them, make some copies for the other folks who will participate, and we have approximately 6 days to learn that music! Because the songs were contemporary gospel numbers, there was no "sheet music" readily available - which would have helped only a few of us, anyway. Not everyone reads music. So, it happened the usual way.

My singers and I had done this type of thing before - even down to hooking up with the OTHER singers ON the day of the performance; it was no biggie. Our concern was that the other group had their parts right when we got there, because we were gonna be on ours! (not braggin, just fackin) My main hope was that we'd have enough time before the function actually started, to run over the songs with the other group..I do hate performing cold - without benefit of a run-through with the muscians (so ghetto!). And why was the pianist late? It started to look like our time and effort was going to turn out looking tacky macky! Well, we were able to go over the songs a few times with the CD - not the same, but better than nothing. Our voices were well matched, and thankfully, we had singers there who could fill in where needed (I'm usually an alto, but they needed another tenor, and another sista came down from soprano to alto, etc.)

On one of the songs, there was a mild dispute about what notes the tenors were supposed to hit during the chorus... so the lady in charge pulled out a sheet of paper with keys (the names of the keys, not a musical score - what I'm used to) that corresponded to the song in question, with the words written beneath..looked something like this:

B flat C A D F A Dsharp (the musical symbols wouldn't post, yikes!)

may have some scars, but I'm healed

Don't get me wrong, I'd seen this before, just wasn't ready to read it like that - especially without a keyboard present. (oh, I forgot to mention we were in a room with no piano of any kind - so, had the pianist been on time.....???)

It all worked out to the good. The brotha on keyboards did come and sat in on the last few minutes of our vocalizing. And we were able to go over some special instructions with him because one of the songs featured a soloist (with a sweet soprano voice). The occasion was the 18th anniversary of a Missionary Baptist Church literally in the heart of South Central Los Angeles (the street address is on S. Central Avenue). The event began on time and I must say I was proud of my people for that.

There was much praise and worship in the preliminaries, reminding me of years gone by when I was more involved in "concert and church hopping" with my girlfriends back in my single days. The flavor was familiar....and wonderful. It had been a long time since I'd heard hymns sung in long meter, with that call and response going on. BEAUTIFUL! The atmosphere was filled with sincere folks who seemed devoted to their Lord, their mission in the community, and their sacrifice of praise and worship last night.

When it was time to perform, I believe the angels showed up and showed out for us. Because when we opened our mouths to sing.... something else happened, and I heard a full choir (there were only 8 of us). The sound system at the church was impressive - the mics were hot - and that can sometimes be the death of a group that isn't up to par. But I could tell from the congregation's response that something special was going on. And it wasn't about us on the platform. Even brotha on the keyboards was working it out (he had jumped on the Hammond organ earlier during the praise session - ridiculously talented!).

Experiences like this make me very happy to say "yes" when someone needs music. Being used as an instrument to bring messages of encouragement, peace, and love, ministers to my soul. It is my life's joy.

Have a great week everyone! I'll be scarce for a minute... got to get on my projects for the year. I'll be updating with info from time to time. (and getting my read on at my favorite blog sites here)


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

No Drama From Obama

Just first class all the way! I'll say the same for John Edwards as well.... however,

Let me tell you why I'm so impressed by Obama (in case you hadn't noticed):

1.The man is a master at extemporaneous oration - and eloquently so. His speech in New Hampshire was nothing short of brilliant. Obama used no notes; it was straight "off the dome" and from his heart.
2. Obama stays on the high road, but knows how to expose the underhanded tactics of the opposition without hurling one personal attack.
3. He's not simply King- or Kennedy-esque, he is original, genuine, transparent, and approachable. He's himself.
4. Obama recognizes his place in history, and is walking in the path with dignity and respect, for the named and nameless who died before they could see this day.
5. He is intelligent, thoughtful, even-tempered, and knows how to handle himself whether or not the cameras are rolling.

The nation is watching with great anticipation and expectation. I have no idea who will win the the nominations for either party. But the race and the heat are on. There's an old saying that goes something like this - "in a crisis, character is not built, it is revealed." Or,I can put it this way, "whatever is inside, will come out." In times like these, it's just very interesting to sit back and watch people reveal themselves. In terms of keeping it real, staying focused, and drama-free, Obama's out far and ahead of the rest.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Getting Past the Privates

...wrote this back in 2000, my spoken word rant against what has increasingly become an obsession in our society...gratuitous sex and the peddling of it...i apologize for verbiage that may offend...

Getting Past The Privates

finite beings
frustrate easily
when confronted
with mortality
we therefore
mired in the
folds of our
own flesh...
the first and
exploring new

marking each
with the pungent
odor of our
inevitable decay

~down the front-n-center
our universe
we grope,
pillars of
in search of
within dark
vaginal walls
climax is wisdom
at the height
of carnal physicality
but we don't
experience orgasmic
we sit, in awe
of the body
the beauty
the pleasure

reveling in
our very skin
my people wanna cum
then COME let LIGHT
in people...
true wisdom
is easily
from soul touches
felt generations
ancestral memory
imbedded in our history
teaching us
every teenanchie
we ever need to know
yeah, it's about
deep insemination
timed precisely
between the flow
it's about
new life
and the dissemination
of L~O~V~E from
the WORD "GO"
more than sexual
more about building
seeds sprouting
& the END
of meaningless
Bridgette Alyce Wynn (c) 2000

Sex in Society

I was reading the blog of a friend who noted how many seductive/suggestive, and downright whore-ish websites she ran across in another "community" of bloggers in the blogesphere. So it prompted her to ask the question "does sex get you what you want?" You can imagine she received all manner of answers, ranging from super conservative to super (dare I say it?) "liberal". What I mean by liberal is, someone (a female), answered the question with one word, "yes!" I thought to myself..."ok then, sista/girl..."

Brotha Wynn and I frequently discuss this issue of how rampant casual sex is in our society today; and how distorted the concept of sexuality has become. We have children who are entering into young adulthood now, and the realities of their world are just different from what we faced as kids growing up. Just going over the past 40 or so years of television shows has been a real eye opener. As kids, we never saw skin of any kind (not even on bra commercials - some of you might remember the bra worn over a leotard-like top). On the sit-com series, married couples slept in twin beds. (which I thought was silly since my parents slept together...but it was cool). It was the norm; it was accepted. And, it was healthy. Sex education was largely left to the parents.

I've been on blogs where some have mentioned getting back to the old school ways of sex being a (joyful) byproduct of a love relationship. And I agree. Of course, we know that throughout time sex has been used to exploit, excite, entice, control, etc. And for many of us, when we were young and ignorant, we thought we could do anything we were big and bad enough to do...without suffering consequences. The worse that could happen was... VD, that a shot could cure... or pregnancy. Growing older has shown me some important things through experience....and, thankfully, my mind has been forever changed.

Sex between two committed/married individuals is truly the most fulfilling experience, in my humble opinion. And my faith/belief system, tells me that the only folks who should be "gettin some" are married folks. I'm sure there are those out there who will disagree - but we need only look at the end results of engaging in numerous/multiple casual encounters and be honest with ourselves. Sex is pleasurable, no doubt... and between committed lovers, it can be the means and the end - with no fear, no inhabitions, and no negative consequences.

And I will submit that aside from the obvious pleasure factor... good sex produces the best of all fruit. I have three.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

A two-fer

this poem was written in 2001, weeks before my 45th birthday...

I am standing
between spiritual verses,
images of my journey unfold before my mind's eye,
this road, so many years long,
feels like only a moment has passed between
then and now
my former selves unite with me at once
as I look back
and I see surreal scenes in three dimensions
of who I was
and the many I pretended to be
I can feel the colors now,
radiant yellows/oranges brightly lit hues,
and bathe again in crimsons,
purples, blacks & blues
my path, long, winding,
and strewn with bits of broken glass,
overlaid with fallen eucalyptus branches,
overlaid again with field stones...
perfected the soles of my bare feet...
and love adorned my way
with willow trees, daisies, roses, morning glories,
soft mossy shoulders upon which I laid
while the wind moaned my lover's songs,
awakening the naked desire of my soul...
I am kneeling
on my road,
feeling the familiar splitting of my flesh
as new scars reopen old wounds on my knees,
tasting hot, salty tears of joy/pain/thanksgiving pouring down my face
I join hands with who I was & who I've come to be
~ and, looking forward,
behold a sacred secret unveil the meaning
of its former mystery
the Spirit asks a single question
of every one of me
~"tell me who you love, and I'll tell you who you be"~
and in obedience, I answer
Bridgette A. Wynn, (c) 2001
....and six years later, this piece emerged from my soul
metamorphosis in blak

like the seed of life
germinating almost imperceptibly beneath the soil
i am she, born of she
who was born of she,
all women, we, of southern clay
my spiritual moorings, rooted and grounded in the faith
baptized by the water, the spirit and the blood
from this mountain's peak i spy
the valley from whence i've come since the moment
i was forty-fied
some have called me comely and kind
the one who has known my breath at dawn
adores what he cannot see with his naked eye
a mystery to me, still... that i am loved just as i am
but never shall i lose sight of my need
to evolve into light;
that of my spirit i may bestow blessings pure and clean
in gratitude for gifts i've received without measure
loveliness of the soul is a treasure i seek in earnest
for therein lies true beauty
holiness is the reverence of all Life and the Giver of it
in awesome wonder, i bow
Bridgette A. Wynn (c) 2007