Tuesday, January 15, 2008

An Honor Bestowed

I'm back already - after having announced only yesterday that I'd be scarce around here due to projects I must tend to. But this must be shared! I'm so excited!

An author friend of mine, Minnie E. Miller, just informed me that I was awarded "Best Work of Poetry in 2007" on Blackrefer.com, Reviewers' choice!! I was stunned! I am still in a state of semi-shock! The reason I'm so surprised is I had no idea I was even being considered for this award. My, my, my - what a beautiful gift in 2008! Words just aren't adequate here, to express how honored and humbled I am at this moment. There are so many gifted writers, poets out there, oh my! I'm just grateful, and thankful...beyond what I can tell you.

This is a strong motivator and encouragement for me to get my work done. Many years ago I saw an interview with Dr. Maya Angelou on TV. And her words reached down inside me and tapped me where I live. She said, "We know how to play. And there's plenty of time to play. What we must do is get the work done." It took me several years after that, to get myself in gear. But I heard sista Maya then, and I hear her now.

So, I'm girding up my loins to put in some work, ya'll.

Peace and plenty poetiks in ya lives!

Check the link:



Sister P said...

Just stopping by to say I was thinking of you! Be blessed!

Lamont Wynn said...

And I thank ya kindly, my sista! Keep blessing!

b alyce